One of the things I find very interesting concerning this debate
regarding ranking and PA systems is that while proponents of such
systems can point to specific systems that seem to work
(Hewlett-Packard, L.L. Bean), opponents have not yet pointed to any
specific examples of successful companies that have thrown out their
old appraisal/ranking systems in favor of an alternative.
I would be even more interested to hear from any LO'ers that have
convinced their clients to throw out the old system and implement a
new progressive system. I am not saying that there are none out there,
only that I have not heard of any and I don't recall of any being
discussed on this list.
It would be very interesting to discuss any such system and see if
it is truly an innovative approach (not proposals, real policies
practiced by real companies) or just semantics.
James Carrington
New Product Development - Test Support Group
Hewlett-Packard CERJAC Telecom Operation
Westford, MA 01886
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