This thread has been an emotionally expensive one for me. I've been
through a number of different emotions as the thread has continued: Anger,
amusement, frustration, disappointment, confusion, excitement, dismay.
The times when I've been hot under the collar I've let it show. That,
unfortunately, has muddied my message.
Because it has been emotionally expensive I'm going to withdraw from the
conversation. But I want to try, in a more calm voice, to express my
beliefs on this matter before I let this slip past me.
I don't think that competition and cooperation are mutually exclusive
activities. I don't think you have to chose one over the other. If the
right values are institutionalized, I think they can feed off each other
in a very positive way. I have personally experienced this a number of
times, both in my professional work and as an athelete.
I don't think that ranking employees is inherently right or wrong. I think
it is important for no other reason than to be able to reward those that
perform best.
At the same time, the complexities of human interaction that go into
meaningful achievement muddy the water. It is hard to determine how much
value each person brings to a project when everyone is performing at a
high level. It is not so hard when some are barely performing.
According to my view, people should be rewarded for what they do, the
results they achieve, based on the value of those results to the
organization. I would consider this a very effective and highly ethical
approach to human resource management.
The two questions I would ask are: How do you measure the quality of the
competition within a team, department, or division? How do you measure the
quality of cooperation in the same context?
If you can't measure it then, I believe, you shouldn't reward it. That may
be shortsighted, but it is the only way I know to avoid unethical
Is it possible that if there isn't an objective standard by which to
measure things then there is nothing at all?
-- Benjamin Compton DWS -- "The GroupWise Integration Experts" (617) 267-0044 ext. 16 E-Mail: http://www.emailsolutions.comLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>