Competition LO16994

Lee Bloomquist (LBLOOMQUIST/0005099717@MCIMAIL.COM)
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 13:33:20 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO16967 --

Re: Competition LO16967

In a previous message AM de Lange wrote of a kind of bifurcation-- its
relation to destructive and constructive creativity, its relation to an
interesting set of dualities (things that seem to be defined in terms of
each other, or which seem to establish the mutual contexts for each
others' essential meanings), and in addition, gave pertinent examples of
applying this system to my question.

Thank you so much for your quite thoughtful reply! I want to ask you more
about the bifurcation you describe.

Does it hold the potential for a change in thinking?

Does it hold the potential for a change in feeling?

Very Best Regards,

Lee Bloomquist


Lee Bloomquist <LBLOOMQUIST/0005099717@MCIMAIL.COM>

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