LO Semantic Differential LO17049

Will Barratt (egbarra@BEFAC.INDSTATE.EDU)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 15:28:50 -0500

My goal was to create a crude illustration of the characteristics of an
LO, and to that end succeeded. Thanks to the 15 people who responded, I
have some answers and there was generally strong agreement among people.
Below are the items, and the X(s) represent the middle 60% of the folks.

Yes these are crude, but anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. We
can all add polish to this as we see fit. The basic terms were taken from
John Holland (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising,
Conventional) MBTI (Outward looking, Inward looking, Intuitive, Grounded,
Thinking, Feeling), Leary et. al (Contol, Hierarchy) and the NEO-PIR

[Host's Note: The formatting of the table below got messed in
transmission; I've fixed it and hope I've got it as Will wanted. ...Rick]

Semantic Differential Learning Organization Profile

        Control  1   2   3   4   5X  6X  7   Autonomy
      Hierarchy  1   2   3   4X  5X  6X  7   Heterarchy
    Centralized  1   2   3   4   5X  6X  7   Distributed
         Active  1X  2   3   4   5   6   7   Passive
      Powerless  1   2   3   4   5   6X  7X  Powerful
Outward Looking  1   2   3   4X  5   6   7   Inward Looking
      Intuitive  1   2   3   4X  5   6   7   Grounded
       Thinking  1   2   3X  4X  5   6   7   Feeling
     Judgmental  1   2   3   4X  5X  6X  7   Non-Judgmental 
         People  1X  2X  3X  4   5   6   7   Things
           Data  1   2   3   4X  5X  6X  7   Ideas
      Realistic  1   2   3   4X  5   6   7   Social
  Investigative  1   2   3X  4X  5   6   7   Enterprising
   Conventional  1   2   3   4X  5X  6X  7   Artistic
           Open  1X  2X  3   4   5   6   7   Closed
    Information  1   2X  3X  4   5   6   7   Opinion
    Data Driven  1   2X  3X  4   5   6   7   Tradition Driven

Will Barratt

The Professor as information broker!
Indiana State University, Department of Counseling


"Will Barratt" <egbarra@BEFAC.INDSTATE.EDU>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>