Why White Male Leaders? LO17113

Ben Compton (BCompton@dws.net)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 12:48:47 -0500

Replying to LO17097 --


Just to make sure I understand what you're saying, it's immoral to
accumulate "toys"? What do you define as toys?

I also don't understand your assertion that by valuing the accumulation of
something other than "personal, collegial relationships" that one must be
living an immoral life. Is that really your assertion?

And in conclusion, you're using the word "immoral" in a context I would
not, so I need some help understanding your definition.


>Because in general white males are the only group stupid enough (or
>immoral enough?) to value power, hierarchy, and the accumulation of
>things(toys?) over personal, collegial relationships, and the
>accumulation of affection.
>un abbraccio d'un maschio bianco,

Benjamin B. Compton

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