Why White Male Leaders? LO17221

Sherri Malouf (sherri@maloufinc.com)
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 13:24:42 -0400

Replying to LO17189 --

I have held off answering anything because I am female, I do have "stuff"
about men in general --- they don't have to be white for my
generalizations to apply -- and I would get tagged sexist. Ah well -- so
what -- here goes a bunch of one-liners.

We're used to letting white males control business ( I do include gov't as
a business).
These days it takes less heart and more head to run a successful large
People hire, mentor, and support those most like themselves.
Women and minorities tend to have a victim mentality.
White males take advantage of this victim mentality to keep control.
Men, on the whole, seem to be control freaks.
Men like the competition politics create.
Men like competition.
Sexism and racism exist.
Glass ceilings exist.
Women tend to do more of the housework even in dual career homes and
therefore can sacrifice their home life less.
Women get pregnant.
Mothers tend to love their children more than their work.
Men don't get pregnant.
The men who love their children more than their work aren't at the top.
Men are threatened by powerful and intelligent women.
Women and minorities think differently.
Women don't mind feeling.
For men -- $ earned is a direct measure of self-esteem.

How's that Tony for a slew of generalizations. The real answer is
somewhere in these lines. I would guess really that the status quo has the
bucks to maintain the status quo. Hey -- I have lots of white guys for
friends -- I even married one. (-:

sherri@maloufinc.com Tel:603-672-0355
LMA, Inc Fax:603-673-7120


Sherri Malouf <sherri@maloufinc.com>

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