The following message was posted yesterday on my web-site for compensation
practitioners. I offered to expand the search by cross-posting on the LO
list as well. I would like to expand the discussion to include the pros
and cons of linking 360 degree feedback to pay.
"I am curious if any of you are aware of companies that are using 360
degree feedback and are tying the results to pay. This includes companies
that are currently doing it or who had done so in the past. As a point of
contrast, I am not interested in names of companies that are using 360
degree feedback solely for developmental purposes.
If you know of a company that is tying the results of 360 degree feedback
to pay, would you let me know the name of the company and how it works? I
am particularly interest in:
1) What level of employee does the program/practice cover?
2) Are the results of the 360 fb directly tied into an appraisal rating
or are they more subjectively "taken into account" by the rater?
3) Is the score of the 360 fb used to rate the individual or does the
rating look at improvement over previous year's score?
4) What is working well with the program/practice?
5) What are potential pitfalls of the program/practice?"
(Posted on comp-web by...) -Tracy Kofski, General Mills
Roxanne Abbas
--Roxanne Abbas <>
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