Tuition Reimbursement Policy LO17236

Eugene Taurman (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 10:06:46

Replying to LO17184 --

I have done it and seen it several times. Works great costs little. The
only limit I put on it was it must be vaguely related to work. We
interpreted this very liberally.

I did not require a passing grade only completion of the course. We kept
most people and all the good ones who participated.

At one of my clients we found underprivileged blacks who would not
participate because they would not believe the company would do that for
them. But that is a social problem that needs to be addressed some other


At 11:24 AM 2/26/98 GMT, you wrote:
> My company is thinking of establishing a program for the
> reimbursement of tuition fees for further and higher
> education. I would like to put together a short proposal
> outlining for senior managers how this program should be set
> up and administered.
> If anyone can refer me to sample policies or procedures on
> the subject, I would appreciate it.

Eugene Taurman

What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs 23 Ch7


Eugene Taurman <>

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