Dr.Tuck-Wai KOH suggested
>KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)-focused learning
Interesting. I am sure that there are a lot of schools trying to sell
their KPI's for organisational focus.
- Theory of constraints (TOC): throughput, invention, operational expenses
(in that order)
- cost per piece (criticised by TOC), but still common in production
industries ("cost-leadership")
- EKS (Engpa_konzentrierte Strategie, Wolfgang Mewes): Minimum-factor of
the best fitting target group, and ones own minimum-factor in providing
them with their minimum-factor.
- all kinds of "critical success factors": generic like 7S by McKinsey, or
individual as part of strategic analysis of ones company/market/industry.
- last, not least, and for me in the moment above all: At de Langes seven
Best regards,
Winfried Dressler
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>