Business Case for LO LO17586

Eli Camhi (
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 09:43:15 -0500

Replying to LO17518 --

The "business case" argument may in itself undermine the effort. Learning
Organizations come into existence to serve those who place a premium on a
work environment that includes values that go beyond the "business" of
business. While management can provide the resources to make this
possible, it takes champions at all levels of the organization to make it
real. I sincerely believe there is added cost and added value for
Learning Organizations. The calculus is not limited to dollars and cents.

There is a synergy that occurs that is difficult to quantify and predict.
It's organic in nature and has a life of its own. It may or may not
permeate the entire organization. A learning organization is more like a
culture than a management strategy.

Given all the above: you may still need to make the LO business
justification to "get" the resources you need to support the cultures

Eli Camhi
Generative Resources
155 E. 77th Street, Suites 5D/E
New York, New York 10021
212-253-4301 Fax



Eli Camhi <>

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