Hi LO friends:
This comment come to my attention and noticed that some of the subjects
would refer to Deming's and other quality gurus' analysis and
recomendations. First if your employees and workers don't know the firm
values, I could be almost sure that this firm still relys in Taylorism or
even older systems. The education of the employees (technical and on the
philosophy and mission of the firm) is weak or non existent, this produces
misalignment between the efforts of Management and staff.
Other point about ranking the employees is can you really measure their
job and you have traced the causes of variations of specific process where
they are involved? besides, the evaluator (usually supervisor or manager)
knows and understands the whole business process (is he capable to trace
the flowsheet and diagram of it?, without consulting its staff). From my
own experience the answer is that the evaluator usually doesn't know
enough of the business process, he needs staff help to do the whole
flowsheet, but he is the evaluator. This system needs to be fixed from
the design step.
I have to say that any firm should think if the evaluation and ranking is
more important that alignment of its employees to the goals, mission and
strategy. This alignment would be the main portion of evaluation. I know
this would be difficult and should be managed in every firm.
About the comment on "is for your own good" , that is a not uncommon
stuff, sometimes you cannot believe that this people really thinks on the
others, usually when the country or firm get in trouble you can see their
committment as simple as seeing if they lowers their incomes (as tehy do
with other people incomes) or they keep it or even increases their incomes
(here I am referring to usual behaviour of mexican government, and other
3rd world governments with pretty some exceptions).
-- Alan Garcia L. / Fac.Ing.Quimica. Univ.Autonoma de Yucatan,Merida,Yuc,MEX e-mails: glira@sureste.com ; glira@tunku.uady.mx Tel:(5299)46-0989 / FAX: (5299)46-0994.Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>