It may be that someday the lion will lie down with the lamb (or the
gazelle), but until that day, if I were a gazelle, I would hope that my
species continued to have highly competitive mating strategies that
ensured that the genes of our species were optimised to foster the ability
to avoid the predatory instincts of the lions. And, if I were a lion, I
would hope that the highly competitive mating strategies of my species
continued to favor those genes that ameliorated our collective ability to
capture and feed upon the gazelles.
By ignoring the values of competition we degrade the potentialities of our
Richard Goodale
> Peter, I have come to believe that there is no "out there", that we are
> all inter-connected, across companies, across countries, across species,
> etc. When we compete with each other, i.e. operate in a win/lose model,
> we hurt ourselves as well as the other.
--Richard Goodale <>
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