Unconscious Competence LO17811

Fred Nickols (nickols@worldnet.att.net)
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 13:39:24 +0000

Replying to David Hurst in LO17785 --

>Thanks to Margaret, Fred, Sam, and Johan for your replies. The closest
>connection of the Awareness/Competence framework does seem to be with the
>Johari Window. The best reference I have for that is from Ed Schein's
>"Process Consultation" where he cites Luft, J. "The Johari Window," Human
>Relations Tr. News 5, 1961, pp. 6-7.
>The Johari window is used in communications, whereas the
>Awareness/Competence framework seems to me to be a more general framework
>for learning. It ties in with with the Nonaka/Tageuchi framework for the
>four modes of knowledge conversion from "The Knowledge Creating Company."

I don't think so...

I'm operating off memory here so I could be wrong; however, I'll check my
sources and get back to you and the list.

My recollection is that the "Johari Window" deals with aspects of the
self. One side of the Johari Window 2x2 consists of known to self and
unknown to self. The other side consists of known to others and unknown
to others. That yields four cells:

known to self and known to others = public
known to self and unknown to others = private
known to others and not known to self = blind
unknown to others and unknown to self = ?????

(Johari, by the way, again if memory serves, is the mixing together of the
first names of its creators, but I'm getting old.)

[Host's Note: Yes, that's my understand. Joe and Harry. ... Rick]

I believe the conscious and unconscious competence and incompetence matrix
is the brainchild of others. As I said, I'll check it out and get back to


Fred Nickols
The Distance Consulting Company

"The Internet offers the best graduate-level education
to be found anywhere."


Fred Nickols <nickols@worldnet.att.net>

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