Effective Teams LO18294

Alexandra Jackson (alex1@aloha.net)
Sun, 07 Jun 1998 16:56:33 -1000

Replying to LO18278 --

Motivation has two parts intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards are
based on the things which make the participatns excited about what they
are doing. Equality and bradbased mebership assist. Committment and same
vision by team members is important. Cross sectional participation is

Teams work if they have a defined purpose and function which is flexibel
enough to allow the team to evolve. However, all tem members must buy in.
Make rewards for the team based on everyones performance. Reward the team
for any step forward. It doesn't have to be financial. Be creative. Ask
the team to write its goals and build in rewards for the team. Have the
team identify what skills are necessary to proceed and identify what
skills each team member brings to the team. What skills are needed and who
will learn. If the reward is based on cooperation and the whole team
moving forward the effort will be made to meld the team and value all
parts of it. Pay all members of the team the same salary for the length of
the project.



Alexandra Jackson <alex1@aloha.net>

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