dialogue LO18293

Mark Feenstra (mark@strategiclearning.co.nz)
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 11:23:00 +1200

Replying to LO18279 --

There is some new work being done which I think is making a substantial
contribution to the theory and practice of dialogue. It is being led by
Anthony Blake who was a student of David Bohm. He has written some of this
work up with others in a text titled Structures of Meaning. I think you
could track it down by searching for Duversity, or By the Way Books, as it
is presently only available as a manuscript.

Hope this is useful.


>I have read much of Bohm's work, and Krishnamurti. But I am somewhat
>unfamiliar with Martin Buber's work and have not heard of Michael Schrage
>before. Could you supply some references for Buber and Schrage on the
>subject of Dialogue? And any others that you have found particularly
>interesting on that topic. Thanks


"Mark Feenstra" <mark@strategiclearning.co.nz>

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