Facilitation in developing LO's LO18365
Dianne Ball (z8179506@student.unsw.edu.au)
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 21:37:04 +1000
I was interested in reading At's comments earlier this month about how an
organisation becomes like a LO. It is this subject area that I am doing
my PhD research & will be working with 4 small (volunteer) groups within a
large teaching hospital to help them move along the LO pathway, and I will
then develop a grounded theory about the impact of facilitation. I'd be
very interested if anyone could suggest references about the role of a
facilitator in this context as I feel that the outcome of the groups will
be significantly related to what I do/say & how I do it - rather
nerve-wracking to say the least.
Any suggestions please?
Dianne Ball
Westmead Hospital, Australia
(PhD student)
Dianne Ball <z8179506@student.unsw.edu.au>
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