Empowerment LO18373

Dale Emery (dale@dhemery.com)
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:49:57 -0700

Replying to LO18358 --


> I realize the word *appropriate*
> is elusive also, and that understanding all the implications may take a
> lifetime. But it is a word whose meaning I hope to learn.

I have an approximate (yet still evolving and elusive) understanding of
"appropriate" and its implications. To me, it relates to what Mary Parker
Follet called "the law of the situation," which I understand to say that
the appropriateness of an action arises out of the situation: the nature
of what we are trying to do, the people and things who will be affected,
and so on. (By the way, I only two days ago discovered the wisdom of Mary
Parker Follett. Beautiful ideas beautifully expressed.)

Another idea I use to help with "appropriate" is Virginia Satir's concept
of congruence. Congruence means taking into account Self, Other, and
Context. The way I use it is to try to understand what are the needs of
each (self, other, and context) and what resources does each have to
offer. Then "appropriate" means that my action arranges the reasources to
best satisfy the needs. (I discovered Virginia Satir years ago. More
beautiful ideas beautifully expressed.)

The law of the situation and congruence help me to make "appropriate"
somewhat less elusive. Still, as you say, it is a word that takes a



Dale H. Emery -- Collaborative Consultant High Performance for Software Development Projects E-mail: dale@dhemery.com Web: http://www.dhemery.com

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