>What was Jung's success read with liberating the animus or the anima,
>Winfried? In his own life, he kept a great "secret", the mistress which
>his wife knew about from the inception of the relationship. The yin-yang
>relationships espoused by Jungian theorists or even Hindu ascetics is not
>applicable to the work place. This group is dysfunctional and requires
>restructuring. They will never work as a team.
I have to admit that I find this post a little disturbing. One might not
know how to apply ancient teachings in the context of the modern
workplace. That doesn't mean they aren't applicable.
Jason Smith
jsmith@quantumsolutions.on.ca (work)
"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
--"Jason Smith" <jsmith@quantumsolutions.on.ca>
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