Tony Hendrickson and I organized what we hope will be an innovative
showcase symposium for this years Academy of Management Meetings in San
Diego, titled "Looking to the Future: How Advanced Technologies are
Reshaping Organizations." Presenters (in addition to the two of us)
include Gerardine DeSanctis, Mike Hitt, Hugh O'Neill, Al Segars, and
Anthony Townsend.
We need your help. As part of our submission, we promised an interactive
webpage to solicit questions, comments, and suggestions from the Academy
membership. We also promised to respond to the input we received and to
let the symposium "evolve" into areas that our audience felt were most
critical. Our website is now up and running and we need your input.
Please visit our site at:
Be sure to click on the "Discussion" button to offer your comments. Thank
you, and please excuse any cross postings.
Sam DeMarie
Sam DeMarie
Department of Management
Box 456009
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV 89154-6009
(702) 895-1803 Office, 895-4370 Fax
--Sam DeMarie <>
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