Learning and Technology LO18499

John L. Kachurick (jkachuri@epix.net)
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:52:38 -0400

In LO18492, Kevin Wheeler asks where is technology taking education.

I serve as a co-facilitator for the teaching, learning and technology
roundtable at College Misericordia in Dallas, PA, USA, a small, liberal
arts institution.

The roundtable works under the assumption that teaching and learning drive
the use of technology at Misericordia. Therefore, it is not technology
taking education anywhere, but teaching and learning using the appropriate
technology to deliver the curriculum.

This means that we do not use technology because it exists, but because it
helps the faculty to deliver learning to our customers (students).

Dr. John L. Kachurick
Associate Professor
College Misericordia


"John L. Kachurick" <jkachuri@epix.net>

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