>In reading the thread so far on "What are the Key Managerial competencies"
>I was wondering how significant it is that participants seem to mostly
>(all) originate from the UK. Is this a chance pattern, or does it signify
>a deeper structure at work driven by cultural or a national
One reason, I suspect, is that the Brits are way ahead of us Yanks when it
comes to studying competencies. Some time back I went looking for work
done in relation to managerial competencies. The Brits had it. Someone
on the list mentioned the basic work (it's an acronym beginning with M but
I forget it just now).
Just as we Americans had to play catch-up with the Japanese, I belive the
Brits have been playing catch-up with the Americans. By now, they might
be out in front... :-)
Just a thought...
Fred Nickols
The Distance Consulting Company
"The Internet offers the best graduate-level education
to be found anywhere."
--Fred Nickols <nickols@worldnet.att.net>
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