What are the Key mangerial competences LO18486

Martin Silcock (msilcock@wagstaffs.com)
23 Jun 98 14:51:06 +0000

Replying to LO18480 --

Re LO18480

In reading the thread so far on "What are the Key Managerial competencies"
I was wondering how significant it is that participants seem to mostly
(all) originate from the UK. Is this a chance pattern, or does it signify
a deeper structure at work driven by cultural or a national

Just a thought.

Martin Silcock

[Host's Note: Good question Martin. One factor: the original post went to
several mailing lists, some of which may have higher UK participation and
thus generating more UK replies. ...Rick]


Martin Silcock <msilcock@wagstaffs.com>

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