What are the Key mangerial competences LO18520

drs G. Houtzagers (G.Houtzagers@inter.nl.net)
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 09:30:31 +0200

Replying to LO18498 --

Hi guys,

Concerning this subject and looking at HRM in total, the USA and Canada
are still way ahead from all of us in Europe. if we look at Europe the UK
is way ahead compared to the mainland. I think this has a lot to do with
the far more extensive legislation on the subject of HRM in America, the
nature of the HR discipline (in the USA line management participates far
more in HR tasks than in Europe) and the way the organization looks at the
HR department (in the USA consultancy, in Europe administration and
control). Of course these are generalizations. returning to skills and
competences. You just have to look into what supportive information
systems are at hand in America compared to Europe to see the difference in
conceptual thinking.

Kind regards,
drs Gijs Houtzagers
Manager Human Resources
Hora park 7, 6717 LZ EDE, The Netherlands
P.O. Box 250, 6710 BG EDE, The Netherlands
Telephone 31 (0)318 695382
Fax 31 (0)318 689494
Email ghoutzag@baan.nl; G.Houtzagers@inter.nl.net
Cellphone 31 (0)653466816


"drs G. Houtzagers" <G.Houtzagers@inter.nl.net>

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