What are the key MANAGERIAL Competencies? LO18483

Alexandra Jackson (alex1@aloha.net)
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 20:43:34 -1000

Replying to LO18472 --

Simon Priest wrote:
> What are some competencies that any and all corporate managers should
> have?

IMHO the following traits are needed in management -

comfortable with change
ability to delegate tasks to others and open to learning from others
able to let go and allow supervisees to make mistakes - assist them in
learning from their mistakes
open to learning different styles of management
continuously learning
able to see many solutions to a problem
able to build teams and work as a team leader
communication skills
able to confront as well as be confronted
diversified knowledge in different cultures or willingness to learn
about other cultures
understands and knows own cultural bias
true to ones own values

Alexandra Jackson


Alexandra Jackson <alex1@aloha.net>

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