Bryant, JB (
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 12:56:29 -0400

Replying to LO18505 --


I don't have much input, but I can at least give you a potential
reference. I went to the IKMS98 conference a few weeks ago. One of the
presentations was by a company called KREAB, Inc.

51 Forrest Ave. #63
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
(203) 698-2270

They produce a tool called CorVal that is designed specifically for the
purpose you are talking about. I can't recommend nor discommend the tool
because I haven't looked into it much (wasn't relevant to me at the time).
I can tell you that the presentation was very good. It was not a
presentation about the product -- The presentation was called "Total Asset
Valuation: Beyond Knowledge Management" -- but the product was mentioned
in passing. The presenter was the company's president -- Hans V.A.

>From their brochure, CorVal:

"is a trademark method for defining, assessing, and measuring new
intangible assets. It starts with your company's situation and locates
five main areas. In each areas four to six specific asset clusters are
listed. If needed, further breakdowns can be made. All assets are
measurable by established methods. CorVal defines the real value of all
assets, hard or soft, as their contribution to growth and earnings."

The process, according to what I remember from during the presentation,
begins with identifying the core values (hence the name CorVal) of the
institution and linking assets to them. It does this through some sort of
assessment tool. A 60-page report is produced from the system that helps
the organization identify its values. That's about all I can tell you
about it.

Hope that helps you.


J.B. Bryant

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