Trust and Covey Leadership Event LO18554
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 19:45:51 -0700

Replying to LO18393 --

Jamal K Dabal writes:
> Research has shown that although people working in large organizations
> feel maxed out, less than 20% of human talent is being used. Covey's
> research has also revealed that 25-50% of activities in large
> organizations are of political games, and departmental rivalries. The
> problem is not in team building or positive thinking. It is mostly in the
> alignment of personal and organizational mission. A key component also
> that is missing from TQM, BPR, customer focus, systems thinking is TRUST.
> Only then will a paradigm shift happen to achieve better from all.

The mentions of trust in this message and the thread on the subject
prompts me to mention the book "Trust" by Frank Fukuyama (also author of
"The End of History"). I'd planned to write something for the list after
reading the book, but I've decided to bring it up now. I've only briefly
scanned it so far.

>From the liner notes: "In fact, economic life is pervaded by culture and
depends, Fukuyama maintains, on moral bounds of _social trust_. This is
the unspoken, unwritten bond between fellow citizens that facilitates
transactions, empowers individual creativity, and justifies collective
action. In the global struggle that is now upon us -- a struggle in which
cultural differences will become the chief determinant of national success
-- the social capital represented by trust will be as important as
physical capital."

I hope that some of the list members have read the book and can give a
more informed review of it. I'd also like to hear from Simon on the role
of trust in the unorganized world, and from At on the relation of trust to
the essentialities.


Don Dwiggins SEI Information Technology Man ascends through the discovery of the fullness of his own gifts. What he creates along the way are monuments to the stages of his understanding of nature and of self. -- Jacob Bronowski, "The Ascent of Man" ------ [Host's Note: these book links offered in association with

Fukuyama, _Trust_ Hard Paper

Fukuyama, _The End of History_


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