MDF is seeking reviewers (referees) in the following areas: management
learning and development; OD and change; HRM; OB/OMT; leadership;
cross-cultural management; competency; organizational communication;
OT/design; TQM/BPR. Please express your interest with a brief bio to the
above address.
MDF IS SEEKING ARTICLES to stimulate innovative thinking, share
new developments and ideas, and report on new techniques and
intervention programs relevant to managers.
MDF is published twice a year by the FORUM program at the
State University of New York's Empire State College. This publication
is distributed to human resource professionals, trainers, and consultants
engaged in management development and education.
Alan Belasen, PhD Editor-in-chief
Marilyn McCabe Assistant Editor
For full submission guidelines contact Marilyn McCabe at
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>