Intro -- Bill Hendry LO18814
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 07:23:32 EDT

I've been a member of the lo listserv off and on for the past couple of
years. Am now Director of Human Resources with Northwestern Michigan
College in Traverse City, Michigan. Interesting and challenging career
path for someone who has been in the training and development side of HR
in County Gov't, Citicorp and Arthur Andersen.

I am certified by the Association for Psychological Type in the ethical
use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and have used this instrument in my
consulting work with organizations, primarily around team development.

Currently I am attempting to get our "Quality Service Team" initiative,
started quite a few years ago with little success at changing the day to
day practices of the college, to transform it's focus to "Learning
Organization Associates". In a nutshell, the idea is to get enough
critical mass of folks talking, and then doing, more of their work in
alignment with lo principles and practice. The small core of folks I am
starting with have the assignment of reading "Getting Started" in the 5th
Disc. Fieldbook and then we will get together to see where that takes us.

We are going through Strategic Planning which has included revising our
vision, mission and values, which should be completed this Fall. Many if
not most of our HR systems will need to be revised and looked at with the
new vision, mission and values in mind.

One key challenge which I have seen in when I worked at another
institution of higher education (Univ of Michigan) is to stop
intellectualizing about whatever the subject matter is and get on with it!

That's it for a Sunday morning! See you on the net!

Bill Hendry
Director of Human Resources

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