LO and Quality initiatives LO18815

Jason Smith (jsmith@quantumsolutions.on.ca)
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 16:28:34 -0400

Replying to LO18809 --

>While TQM models focus on one organizational level learning mechanism
>(symbols and rules), my impression is that the LO community has not
>seriously addressed organizational level learning because of the focus on
>creating environments that nurture individual learning. The extreme
>formulation of the organizational level learn question is: "How can
>organizations increase their capacity to effectively adapt to
>environmental changes with out requiring specific individuals to learn

This is simply untrue. The Learning Organization community has most
certainly addressed organizational learning. Consider the implications of
the application of systems thinking techniques such as stock and flow
simulations or causal loop diagrams. To bring such techniques into an
organizational situation is to make a committment to learn to be better at
issues with importance. Involving people in solving problems systemically
is to be living organizational learning. Your extreme question is
meaningless. How could adaptiveness happen without learning?

[Host's Note: Let's bring the energy level down just one notch and
consider, in what areas has the org learning community had the most
success and in what areas are the new frontiers? I'll write a separate msg
with my own thoughts on this. ...Rick]


"Jason Smith" <jsmith@quantumsolutions.on.ca>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>