Paul Knollman (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:41:55 -0700

Replying to LO18835 --


This is a difficult question with an easy answer.

I have 30 years HR, Quality, VP Admin, IS, CFO experience with firms from
$25 million to $6 Billion in revenue.

The answer is change an organization from within. Join the ranks that
need change. Do not approach from afar. Abandon HR dreams. You can add
to an organization by focusing on the bottom line and only that. Quality
and soft-touchy-feely stuff adds to the bottom line, but only in direct
relation to productivity that can be felt. It does not need to be hard
measured, but felt and understood. Go an make a difference and then
school those HR practioners who were not bold enough to follow their

Regards and good luck,

Paul Knollman wrote:

> I am at a fork in the road as are many I suspect in trying to find
> their niche in pursuing TQ and Learning Organizations.


Paul Knollman <>

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