economics LO18856

Richard C. Holloway (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 08:51:03 -0700

Replying to LO18851 --

Lee--Robert Fritz explores this phenomenon you've described in his book,
"the path of least resistance."

many of you have read it--I've purchased probably a dozen copies over the
years to give to graduating students (I doubt that one has opened the

I think that Socrates would have recognized this path that his fellow
Athenians were following was also the one that was easiest to follow.

"The mystery, the essence of all life is not separate from the silent openness
of simple listening." -Toni Parker

Thresholds <> Meeting Masters <> Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Astoria, Or & Olympia, WA USA ICQ# 10849650 voice 360.786.0925

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