Qualitative research question LO18857

Dale Emery (dale@dhemery.com)
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 09:30:57 -0700

Replying to LO18850 --


> I am looking for a coding or notation system which can be used to aid me
> in the analysis of extensive notes taken in interviews.

Take a look at "Ethnographic Interviewing" by James Spradley. I saw it
yesterday in the Anthropology section of Borders Books in DC. I don't
know where else you might find it. Several chapters of the book describe
a way to organize themes taken from many interviews. (The rest of the
chapters give fascinating ideas on how to conduct interviews.)

I don't know this book well, as I merely skimmed it in the bookstore.



Dale H. Emery -- Collaborative Consultant High Performance for Software Development Projects E-mail: dale@dhemery.com Web: http://www.dhemery.com

[Host's Note: in association with Amazon.com, this book link... The Ethnographic Interview by James P. Spradley, $45.50 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0030444969/learningorg ...Rick]

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