Sustaining Interest in Learning LO18880

Jason Smith (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:30:27 -0400

Replying to LO18852 --

>How do you help sustain interest in learning in your organization?

Three things seem to be important in our case for sustaining learning.

The first is a compelling shared vision. Our thinking at Quantum
Solutions, which is common with many of us on the list, is that learning
is about getting better at what we do. Our firm's vision gives us a clear
sense of what it is we want to become. From that we've discerned a number
of things at which we have to be collectively good (and improving) in
order to achieve that vision.

Rewards and incentives are also important for us in sustaining learning.
We aren't as motivated by money as my stock broker (not that I dislike my
broker *smile*), but we do see the links between learning, organizational
success, and the satisfaction of providing comfortable standards of living
for our families. Some of us have younger children, one of us (me) is
expecting a first child, and others of us very much want to be parents
soon. So, we want our firm to be successful and want to share in that
success. Consequently, we are motivated to keep learning to sustain that

Beyond vision and money, our team has a genuine concern for the suffering
we encounter in the organization lives of many of our clients. I'm
convinced that our desire to help people live better work lives is also a
big reason why we continue to learn.

Jason Smith (work)
"It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra


"Jason Smith" <>

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