Scenario Building LO18884
Dorothy Martin (DMartin@vines.ColoState.EDU)
Tue, 18 Aug 98 9:59:09 -0600
I am looking for the following book, Idon Scenario thinking, How to
Navigate the Uncertainties of Unknown Futures, by Galt, Chicoine-Piper and
Hodgson. Inquiries to Barnes and Noble indicate it is not available in
the U.S. The Colorado State University Library doesn't have it and they
couldn't find one on Interlibrary Loan. The imprint is U.K. Idon Ldt.
1997. Any ideas what to do next? Or is there anyone in the United
Kingdom who could find one for me?
[Host's Note: You want to find Tony Hodgson; I liked his training program
in using Idon's for facilitation and scenario development. He's in
Pitlochry, Scotland. Used to be represented in the US by GKA, Inc. of
Cambridge MA who might be able to refer you. ...Rick]
"Dorothy Martin" <DMartin@vines.ColoState.EDU>
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