Scenario Building LO19010

Frances Heaton-Renshaw (
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:30:01 +0100

Replying to LO18884 --

Hi there,

"Idon Scenario Thinking - How to Navigate the Uncertainties of Unknown
Futures" You can get the book direct from Idon Ltd, e-mail: The book (a paperback) retails in the UK at #21.00
Sterling. That would make it about $36.80 at the 1.6 exchange rate, but
this can fluctuate. If you pay by credit card, the rate will be calculated
automatically for you. Postage and Packing is extra and to the US costs
#5.87, making a total of #26.87 or approx $43.00 US dollars.

Let us know if we can send you a copy.
All we need is your address and credit card (we take all major ones).
You can also call us (ask for Miles) on (44) 1796 473877 or fax us (44)
1796 473880 with your credit card details if you prefer not to send them
by e-mail.

We also supply a full range of magnetic Visual Aids for facilitation and
other publications. Check us out on our website

For more information on the book or general enquiries (not necessarily
products) e-mail: or call Frances or Hazel on (44)
1796 473773.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Frances Heaton-Renshaw

> >I am looking for the following book, Idon Scenario thinking, How to
> >Navigate the Uncertainties of Unknown Futures, by Galt, Chicoine-Piper and
> >Hodgson. Inquiries to Barnes and Noble indicate it is not available in
> >the U.S. The Colorado State University Library doesn't have it and they
> >couldn't find one on Interlibrary Loan. The imprint is U.K. Idon Ldt.
> >1997. Any ideas what to do next? Or is there anyone in the United
> >Kingdom who could find one for me?


Frances Heaton-Renshaw <>

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