Why does LO stop? LO18909

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 04:59:19

Replying to LO18606 --


I think you wrote the following about managers and systems. If so I have
a question. If not the quest is for the author.

Who has the power to change the system? Who created it? Who is
responsible for how well it works? How can they tell?


At 09:33 PM 7/13/98 -0700, you wrote:

>I have a problem with the criticism of management. Management is not the
>problem. The system, and the people in the system, are the problems you
>are describing. There are great people--great managers--working in
>terrible systems. There are terrible managers, dysfunctional or untrained
>people, working in terrible and wonderful systems. Mostly, there are
>dysfunctional systems, poorly trained managers and laborers who look for
>someone to blame. As Barry Oshrie has said, the problem includes the
>"tops, bottoms and middles."

Eugene Taurman
interLinx ilx@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~ilx

What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs Ch 23 vs 7 KJV


Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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