This is solid as a rock. Good application of concepts.
In another posting Rick Karash suggests that some case studies be shared.
I like to hear some which illustrate your applications.
I think the difficult aspect of this is the dramatic change that is
required to move from being the expert in a very limited, controlled
arena, to being a learner who doesn't have all the answers as is leading
others along the path of discovery in an ever-broadening world.
One question: I would like to know how those who are practitioners of
"quality" and Deming's System of Profound Knowledge view learning
organization concepts. And how can they be utilized within that system?
This has been a discussion on the Deming list. I'm curious about LO folks
Thanks again for some concrete applications.
Ed Brenegar
Leadership Resources
>LO 18911: well said and helpful. With small changes in your useful LO
>definition I can offer some "concrete" to "shore up" our shaky summer
>"...Learning Organization is not a commodity, but statement(s and
>processes) describing ... (goals, objectives and) action-taking by
>(members of) the organization to continuously improve by continually
>LO, using this description, can work when company leaders allow other
>members to be involved in learning that improves results. A strategy that
>works is:
>1. Identify learning interests and priorities with (a) multi-source-type
>assessment that result in (b) individual and work group learning plans
>negotiated among each participating company member, that person's work
>group leader, and a performance consultant (perferably an in-company
>2. Provide on-going support for learning plan completion. (a) Make clear,
>in policy and practice, that each company member's responsibility is to
>learn -- continually, as a resource for performance improvement. (b) Also
>make clear that part of every other company member's responsibility is to
>help, including performance consultants and other "training department"
>staff members.
>3. Help company members put their learning to work, day-to-day on-the-job,
>beginning with their work processes. "Training" (the company's
>responsibility) needs to be a part of the learning resources provided by
>the company. Process training helps everyone view processes using the
>same words ("personal mastery") and descriptions ("new mental models").
>"Shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking" follow when the
>recognition and rewards (the "WIFM," what's in it for me?) are (a) valued
>by members and (b) fit the company's culture and climate.
>4. Link an "ideas program" to learning plans and activitites. David
>Garvin's ("Building a learning organization," HBR, July-August, 1993)
>includes a key point for making learning and improvement continual
>processes that receive day-to-day attention from company members:
>"...continuous improvement requires a commitment to learning...ideas are
>the trigger for organizational improvement" (pages 78, 80).
>This strategy and process works -- when done with intent to help company
>members improve their performance and their contribution to company and
>unit goals they understand and support. Experience shows that investing
>three to five percent of participating company members' payroll returns
>50% to 300% ROI. Morale, retention, and results improve; operating and
>turnover costs are reduced.
>How have similar processes worked for others? What would you do to make
>this process more effective? Ed: concrete enough?
>Dick Webster
>e-mail <webster.1@osu.edu>, fax 614-433-71-88, tel 614-433-7144
--"Ed Brenegar" <edb3@msn.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>