Yes, but does LO work? LO18987
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 03:24:40 EDT

Replying to LO18960 --

Yes. The smallest improvements can be seen as on the road toward learning

For e.g. when I started a new job as a manager I set off the rear door
alarm three times in one week. Now in our good ole American culture
generally we just give each other sh?? and say when are you going to learn
to turn off the alarm. Now me being of the mind of 94% of problems are
caused by processes and 6% attributable to people I thought it was about
time I improved this process. Therefore I made some small signs to hang
in two different places near the key hole. Do you know how many times
I've set off the alarm since in 5 mos? You guessed it---- none. Now if
our organization were led by leaders with this same mentality and stopped
wasting energy on blame but process improvement we could improve greatly,
stop our petty giving each other sh??, and actually work together toward
making a better future for our progeny.

-- Boyd Martin

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