Rol, I think you've hit the nail on the head with your concern about
creating learning orgs in "...environments where practice is not
I've found that anything longer than a half-day with front-lines folks is
too long for the organization. Work piles up, so do labor costs (I can
almost hear the Chief Financial Officer screaming in the background as I
I may be a heretic about this, but I believe that it's possible to develop
a learning org in these environments without breaking the organization's
back. I think it starts with some committment from a senior management
level to develop a learning strategy for the organization (which I suspect
you probably have done). Create learning circles, dialog opportunities,
host workshops and encourage a series of conversations about learning,
strategies and learning goals. Set some milestones for widening
boundaries for people to try new levels of power and authority.
I started out with a cadre of people who were already leaders in their
workgroups. We met for four hours once each month, with some "home" work
on the side. We worked as a group to set new boundaries, procedures and
to identify learning objectives for the whole group. After about three
months, I began convening workshops for the rest of the workgroups
(repeated at least twice to ensure that each person who wanted to be
involved could be with at least a third of the workforce). These
workshops occurred once monthly--4 hours per month per person for about a
We identified some extensive savings (through improved processes) that we
were able to use to pay for a "training" day on a weekend day. It was a
voluntarily attended workshop. All but 2 showed up (30 invited).
By integrating the learning into their work (turning tacit knowledge into
action knowledge), we were able to begin standardizing new norms of
Now, this was quite a bit of work for me -- and there were some additional
expenses, but not extensive (in a nonprofit, there's rarely $$ for
training--and even less rare is the time to attend).
This is to glib a response, I understand--and though I don't know what
you've attempted, I believe that you've been through something similar.
The issue (for me, at least) is sustaining the change of a culture once
it's started. More and more I'm convinced that it's in the activities and
conversations that represent the networking (and cultural basis) of the
organization itself.
Rol Fessenden wrote:
> It may be in the handbook, but there were real examples. Unfortunately,
> the bulk of the examples were about sports teams, symphonies, dance
> groups, etc. Unfortunate not because these are not good examples.
> Unfortunate only becausethey share a critical trait that is not available
> in most profit or non-profit organizations, and that is that they all
> spend more time practicing than in executing (one could add military org
> here as well). Personally, I believe this is why they are such good
> examples of learning orgs. I don't understand how to transport that
> example to environments where practice is not practiced.
-- "The future is uncertain . . . but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity." -Ilya PrigogineThresholds <> Meeting Masters <> Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Astoria, Or & Olympia, WA USA ICQ# 10849650 voice 360.786.0925
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