Hurting...was "It hurts" LO18978

Douglas Max (
Wed, 26 Aug 1998 08:49:23 -0400

Replying to LO18954 --

At, David, Ben...

To teach questioning or not to question...that is the question.

Is it that teaching others to question makes them realize that there
aren't clear answers and that makes them insecure? Or that by not
questioning their hubris says that they know it all as well as anyone

Despite some comments to the contrary, I still believe that what we can
"agree" to on this thread relates well to how the world as a whole

Do we "take arms against a sea of troubles" through questioning, or swim
with the tide?

Eager to hear more opinions...and hope to get some answers. Based on
this, I promise to let you know how my kids (2 & 4) end up by the time
they're your kids ages!

Doug Max


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