>Does anyone want me to try again
Richard wrote [Extended quote inserted by your host...]
> I think we could develop useful and interesting case study threads
>using organisations and practices as a focus.
> In terms of the former, it would seem most practical and logical to
>select companies whose organisations are generally in the public domain
>(i.e. those about whom much has and will continue to be written). The
>best example to start with here, IMHO, would be GE, which has been a
>learning organisation for many decades, and which demonstrates that fact
>with regularity through its ability to create and adapt to change. I've
>made references to some of the things they have done and are doing in the
>past but have had litle or no feedback from the active participants in
>this list. Does anyone want me to try again?
--Paul Foley <paul@kynesis.co.uk>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>