Virtual Faith LO18994

Scott Ott (
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 08:53:37 -0500

Replying to LO18983 --

Dear Rick,
In the issue of "going on faith" in business, a key distinction might
be asking what is the object of that faith? When placing faith in people,
statisitics or market research it helps to have a healthy view of the
finite-ness of humans and their proclivity toward well-intentioned
Another object of faith is faith itself. Some folks seem to have
faith in faith, as if a strong enough belief in anything will bring about
the object of belief and the sincerity of the believer justifies the ends.
As you imply in your post, "faith" in the businessworld is often
just another attempt to manipulate our colleagues into fulfilling our
dreams. It is really asking them to have faith in ME (the leader). The
problem of course is that I'm just a human, and I'm bound to let you down.
Even if everything works out the way I said it would the benefit often
falls short of the dream.
Due to the diversity of philosophies and theologies in the average
work setting, I'm interested in others ideas of what is the appropriate
place for the concept of faith in business.

Scott Ott
Excelsior Marketing Group
(816) 630-4747

-- (Scott Ott)

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