Hi Richard,
Thank you for comments. They are very much appreciated.
My view on world and mankind is dualistic. A human being has for me a
physical appearance but is anchored in a spiritual world, and so is the
world he lives on, and so is the society and its diversity of cultures.
(Industrial) organizations are no exception (Corporate Image!!). All
physical appearances have their spiritual complementary counterpart. I
cann't prove it, but I can dream it!
All my efforts and contributions, large and small, should be seen in this
complementary dualistic light.
We have discussed 'trust' and 'faith' in the dimension of time: the past,
the presence and the future.
Your contribution is a result of YOUR view on world and man, which I think
differs from mine.Your view on life is a more 'monadistic' one. I took a
close look at your comments and the quotes you have chosen. I understand
that you see the presence as solely a result of the past and that has some
important consequences which I hope I can show.
<quote from Doc.:>
>Each of us has a past that defines the future that we see -- and we know how
>our mental models
>and biases can color both the past and the future.
>I also know that trust requires continuing attention; steadfast integrity and
>expectation that tomorrow our relationship will be very much like it was
<End of quote>
You follow the opinion of Ortega y Gasset :
>"Life is an operation directed toward the future. From the beginning we
>live toward the future, and are aimed toward it. But the future is in its
>very essence a problematic thing; we cannot put down a footing in it, it
>has neither a determined shape nor a definite profile. How can it, if it
>does not yet exist?
This is partly true.
IMHO the presence is a dynamic momentum between a polarity ( the Future
and the Past) These two poles influence eachother and each one of us has
his own unique dynamic middlepoint. The reason why most organizations and
its members are caught up in crises, is because they don't take enough
notice of the fact that the future is a reality, allthough spiritual and
Today mankind is, on its path of development, in the situation and in the
position not only to create the world we deserve but also the heavens we
Having faith in the future means for me, having a DYNAMIC colourfull dream
of an ideal partner, an ideal family, organization, etc. This faith is
PULLING me towards its breast.
I also have trust that my efforts will contribute to realize a suitable
heaven.Trust is PUSHING me forward. 'Hope' is the bridge between faith and
trust, between the future and the past.
Doc, from your point of view I understand that you describe the difference
between trust and faith "as a shade of difference" ( see quote) because
you connect them both to the Past..
<quote from Doc.>
>Trust can be defined as "the confident expectation of something; hope." I
>used the Pauline definition of faith as, "the substance of things hoped
>for, the evidence of things not seen." There is only the shade of a
>difference, isn't there.
<end of quote>
To me faith and trust are two different complementary energy sources, both
equal important. The above mentioned basics have to be re-introduced in
organizations or we will indeed keep on projecting the past in the future
and continue to programme the future out of a criple presence.
Do you remember that we played, as a child, with magnets and that we were
fascinated by the invisible but sensible magnetic forces that could push
or pull? Remember what we built with sand on the beach?
The vision and strategy projects I fascilitate allways contain sessions in
which we play (again) with magnets, tell stories, play with sand, paint
and...... work in the garden! it makes people dream again!
Winfried Deijmann
--Winfried M. Deijmann - Deijmann & Partners - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artists, Consultants and Facilitators for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events Het Zwanevlot 37, NL 7206 CB Zutphen, The Netherlands <Winfried@universal.nl> Phone: +31-(0)575-522076 mobile: +31-(0)54 94 71 27 Homepage: http://www.come.to/dialoog
"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without a loving heart" (unknown source)
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>