360 Assessment LO19041

Cowan, Keith (kcowan@ORION.GLOBALDEN.com)
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:40:51 -0700

Replying to LO19027 --

>The competent administration of any 360 requires, among >other things:
>1. Sensitivity to respondent time and energy
>2. Control questions that detect irratic responding
>3. Methods of detecting co-variance with the group averages
>4. Detection of positive and negative bias effects
>5. Progressive implementation for large groups or teams
>6. Follow-up assessments detecting behavioral movment and >intra-respondent
>Bottom line: Do not administer any 360 tools carelessly or
>unprofessionally and, do not be in denial regarding the effects >of
>Warm regards, David
>David L. Hanson, Ph.D.

WOW - thanks David. Yours is a great list. What I was reacting to was my
observation that HR and Management are looking for a quick fix and jump on
the 360 bandwagon without the professional approach that you have

Items 5 & 6 are especially important with this particular tool in my
experience. Regards...Keith
Keith Cowan
kcowan@orion.GlobalDEN.com (CIS:72212,51)


"Cowan, Keith" <kcowan@ORION.GLOBALDEN.com>

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