Destroying through labelling LO19437

Peter H. Jones (
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 16:23:12 +1300

Replying to LO19410 --

Hello Roald

A colleague of mine works as an independent a pre-ISO 9000 audit
consultant. He tells me that his workload has dropped significantly now
the fad for the ISO 9000 label has passed. But he adds that the clients
he now gets are those that really do want to improve the quality of their
products and services, and that from his point of view the work he gets is
much more satisfying.

Here are the references to Frankl you requested I have been unable to
contact you directly.

Frankl, V. (1963) Mans search for meaning. Boston: Beacon.
Frankl, V. (1967) Psychotherapy and Existentialism. New York: Simon and

Since you asked, Peopletronics Limited's mission statement is:

To add value to the performance of organizations and businesses, and
improve the quality of people's working lives.

Peter H. Jones
Peopletronics Limited, PO Box 30 451, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
Tel. 64 4 569 8875, Fax. 64 4 569 8881


"Peter H. Jones" <>

[Host's Note: In association with

Frankl, V. (1963) Mans search for meaning

Frankl, V. (1967) Psychotherapy and Existentialism (Out of print)


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