Winfried, I hope this helps a little. 'Joshua' is by a gentleman named John
Lange. I think the producer of the video is Stephes Bosarston. (sp?)
Here's the posting the CRm has on it's web site for "josh'
Joshua in the Box
What if you had no limitations? Would you go boldly forward or be
overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown? The pros and cons of personal
boundaries are explored in this engaging animation, when Joshua escapes
from his box. Losing the security of his previously defined limitations
creates fear and insecurity as Joshua struggles to find his way. A great
discussion-starter exploring the problems of self-limitation,
self-motivation, and fear.
Running Time: 5 minutesPurchase Price: $295.00Rental Price: $95.00
Includes leaders guide
CRM Films, L.P.
CRM distributed 'Joshua' for awhile.
CRM Films, L.P. ~ 1-800-421-0833
2215 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~ Fax: 760-931-5792
Good Luck
Joe DiVincenzo
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>