Jackie's situation and concerns are far too common in our chaotic work
world, especially for those of us in the healtcare industry. The bottom
line to motivating employees to adopt new ways of doing their work is to
tie successful completion of this transfer of skills/knowledge to measures
of success that already mean something to them.
If their OASIS scores will have a direct impact on their performance
reviews, for example, and those reviews have an impact on their salaries,
they are generally motivated to care. In framing a performance management
measure of this type, however, one must be very careful to correctly
determine if the outcomes warrant the technique. It can backfire if the
organization and its management are not completely behind the effort.
With OASIS being a relatively new (and poorly understood) initiative, it
would seem to make sense to begin with a well considered marketing /
communication / information effort so the employees understand what it is,
how it works, why it is important, and how it fits into the big picture of
health care quality assurance. Again, this really puts the shoe on
management's foot to come out and back the change initiative with some
real effort on their part. If they can't support it and lead the way for
others to see, then why should the staff care?
just my 2-cents
Vana Prewitt
Praxis Learning Systems
Chapel Hill, NC
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