Unconscious Competence LO19541

Fred Nickols (nickols@worldnet.att.net)
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 07:24:45 -0400

Replying to Bob Williams in LO19533 --

>I placed the query about the origin of the matrix on to the Action
>Research list. It has sparked a similar discussion to LO; spinning off
>into an interesting discussion about tacit and non-tacit experience.
>Confusion about the origins remains; lots of head scratchings and
>wonderings - here are two of the more definite suggestions :-

>Dubin, P (1962) 'Human Relations in Administration', Englewood Cliffs, NJ,

Thanks, I'll check it out and get back to the list (unless someone
else beats me to it).

>... and Susan Gair suggested :-
>I have been interested for a long time to know the source of this adult
>learning model (unconscious incompetence etc). I have a document which
>discussess it, and then cites Howell 1977, p38-40, however I have not been
>able to find this reference with only this information. I hope someone may
>be able to add more information to this reference.

The Howell reference is one I checked during my own romp through the
research. There are earlier citations and, if memory serves, Howell's
piece makes use of the concepts but makes no claim as to origin or source.


Fred Nickols
Distance Consulting
(609) 490-0095


Fred Nickols <nickols@worldnet.att.net>

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