Unconscious Competence LO19533

Bob Williams (bobwill@actrix.gen.nz)
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 15:01:05 +1200

Replying to LO19455 --

Hi there,

I placed the query about the origin of the matrix on to the Action
Research list. It has sparked a similar discussion to LO; spinning off
into an interesting discussion about tacit and non-tacit experience.
Confusion about the origins remains; lots of head scratchings and
wonderings - here are two of the more definite suggestions :-

Jack Whitehead said :-

In a paper on the problems of legitimating an action research Ph.D., my
colleague Paul Denley writes about his learning in terms of a movement
from Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Unconscious
Competence and Conscious Competence. Paul's reference to this model is:

Dubin, P (1962) 'Human Relations in Administration', Englewood Cliffs, NJ,

... and Susan Gair suggested :-

I have been interested for a long time to know the source of this adult
learning model (unconscious incompetence etc). I have a document which
discussess it, and then cites Howell 1977, p38-40, however I have not been
able to find this reference with only this information. I hope someone may
be able to add more information to this reference.

So now you know


BOB WILLIAMS http://www.gil.com.au/comm/profcounsel/elogue.htm

"At the end of the day, we all need to work our own passions
in ways that make the most sense to us" Marvin Wiesbord


Bob Williams <bobwill@actrix.gen.nz>

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