No learning without feedback LO19564

Eugene Taurman (
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 08:34:58 -0500

Replying to LO19549 --

Thomas Struck,

You are on target. learning requires good feed back. That is a core reason
Deming's followers did and do so well. SPC, one leg of Deming's SoPK,
requires constant evaluation of changes made with quantitative feed back
given to the closest place and place best qualified to take action.
Deming's ideas promote constant evaluation at all levels of decisions so
the organization can learn. Feedback is key to the PDCA cycle.

For feedback to be effective it must be neutral. If it is overly anecdotal
the discussion wanders and becomes personal. If it is quantitative based
on previously agreed indicators of how well the process works the chances
of hearing it are improved.

The consequence of successful or unsuccessful effort should be the same --
A careful review of what went well and what did not. When the organization
does that it has a chance of learning from experience.


At 10:21 AM 10/19/98 +0100, you wrote:

>No learning without feedback may be quite trivial a notion, but it looks
>neglected to me (admittingly, I haven't read LO for some time).

Eugene Taurman

What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs Ch 23 vs 7 KJV


Eugene Taurman <>

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